
I'm unstoppable

I aint no little girl anymore.
Believe me, I can see the world clearly.
I like believing in people.
But after so many dissapointments
This fieldtrip is about to end.
And you not seein where the field is about to be eaten by flies
makes things worse for you
I have my own field to look after.
You spread your own seeds and they grow as you want them to.

I've had alot of birds and worms in my garden
also flies and dandelions even weed in my garden.
I can't help you too, unless you give me any effort
that way my crop will die, which I can not allow.
I've been using both crotch and minche to hold my garden tidy
I won't let you come and mess it up.
So therefor I let go of you

so both cherry and greapefruit, potato and corn.
oats, bran, barley, aks and rye
shall grow in my garden sunny and unshy
so step aside and let me live

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